Notice 01-15-2025: Monthly Town Board meeting February 6, 2025 at 6:30 at Town Hall.


November 9, 2012 Rock River Clean-up Project

To:  Town of Lebanon Residents

Re:  Rock River Clean-up Project

The Town Board of Lebanon is sending you this letter to inform you of a Town project of cleaning up the Rock River.  We have sent you this letter as a property owner who has property along the Rock River.  We are hoping that you would be interested in identifying and removing trees that have fallen in the River and are impeding the flow of the River.  While the removal of these major or minor tree blockages may not alleviate many of the flooding issues, they will help to maintain the channel flow and enhance the recreational use of the Rock River throughout the Town of Lebanon.

If you do have trees in the river and are interested in assisting with this project, the procedure for removal is a follows:
1)    Fill out the enclosed no fee Shoreland/Vegetation Permit where highlighted.  If possible, take pictures of the trees(s) that need to be removed.
2)    Send the completed form to my attention:  Lohny Fredrick – Town chair.  I will act as agent for anyone that would like to participate in the tree removal.
3)    If you have any questions, require assistance, or simply want to talk about your particular concerns, please call me at 920-918-3504. I will try to assist you or meet with you to go over your particular tree removal issues.
4)   Upon receipt of your Permit, I will file it with Dodge County and keep you informed regarding the status of your request. 

Please note that the removal of trees under this “special” County Permit applies only to those dead and fallen trees in the river.  As part of the Agreement, all trees need to be removed from the area.  We need to be assured these trees do not find their way back into the river in the event of potential future flooding.  Removal of live trees and leaning trees requires a DNR Permit and tree replacement. Your assistance in the removal of fallen trees during this period of low water levels is greatly appreciated.

Thank you again for your help in this matter.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions, comments, or concerns.


Lohny Fredrick, Lebanon Town Chairman
N1037 Hoard Rd, Ixonia, WI  53036
Phone:  920-918-3504