Did you know that...
Lebanon produced the first Brick cheese in the nation?
Brick cheese is firmly in the tradition of the great washed rind cheeses of Europe.
Lebanon has a time capsule to be opened in 2096?
In July 1996, to mark the Sesquicentennial of the Town of Lebanon, an estimated 2000 people joined in a day of historical reminiscences and the burial of a huge time capsule filled with over 100 items.
Lebanon has a Town crest?

The hands symbolize volunteerism through the “helping hands” positioning. They occupy the red upper section because red symbolizes love and sacrifice, something Lebanon emulates through its many churches and volunteer organizations, such as the Fire Department, EMS, Band, Lions Club, 4-H, Sportsman’s Clubs and its Schools, just to name a few.
The eagle has been the symbol of pride and strength since the early Roman days. In Germany, it symbolized strength and loyalty while in the United States, it most often symbolizes strength and liberty. Out of respect to the German heritage of Lebanon, the German eagle was used.
Corn symbolizes agriculture and in Germany was used often to depict peace and plenty (as in harvest). In early America, it was always considered the symbol of life and regeneration.
The violin’s symbolism is specific to Lebanon and it’s love of music. According to local historian, Pastor Chuck Werth of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church of Lebanon, it was Erdmann Pankow’s violin that created the necessity of additional churches as well as sparking what was to become the beginnings of the Lebanon Band, founded later in 1890.
The sprigs alongside the crest in the inner circle are those of a Cedar of Lebanon fir tree. Lebanon got its name from early German settlers because when they arrived, they proclaimed its beauty to be like the “Cedars of Lebanon” as described in the Bible.
The color red is used for many reasons, the first being its long association with the connotation of love. In ancient times, the base word used to describe red meant beautiful. It also symbolized sacrifice in German history. Red appears not only in the United States flag, but the German flag as well. Since most of Lebanon’s earliest settlers were of German descent, it seems fitting to include so much of Germany in Lebanon’s seal.
In ancient times, gold was always associated with wealth, splendor and wisdom. In early German times, gold symbolized generosity and magnanimity. In America, gold is associated with the sun and happiness. All are appropriate for Lebanon.
The color black is used mostly to highlight the other colors, but also out of respect for the German heritage of Lebanon. Red, gold and black are used in Germany’s flag.